Done With Treatment

Congratulations on completing treatment! As you might already know, the cancer journey doesn’t end on your last treatment date. 

You might still be struggling with some side effects, be wondering about returning to work, or are unsure how to resume intimacy with your partner. Anxiety is common, especially leading up to follow up scans. 

Here are some sections of the website that may be helpful for you:

130+ free things for cancer patients

Homeopathic remedies for nausea

Managing mouth sores

Coaching (next sessions open in late May 2023)

I offer a coaching package for those who are have completed treatment. I can coach you through returning to parts of your life that you want to resume, and redesigning other parts of your life that you’ve decided were not helpful and need to change.  I can suggest items and approaches to combat any lasting side effects you may be experiencing, and work with you to reduce anxiety around follow up scans and appointments.

Products (coming in May 2023)

 – Holistic Cancer Toolkit

Resource Library