Work With Me - Coaching Packages

I am mindful that finances can be a huge concern when dealing with cancer. I strive to provide valuable free information through the blog and the resource library.

My products start at less than $20 each. My coaching packages range from a few hundred dollars one time all the way up to thousands of dollars each month, depending on your needs and the level and frequency of services I provide.

Gift cards are also available for purchase to give the gift of courses or coaching.

Comprehensive Consultation

A comprehensive consultation is the first step in working with me.

You’ll complete a detailed health questionnaire and list your most pressing questions and concerns. 

I conduct a comprehensive review of the health questionnaire and gather resources and recommendations prior to our call.

We’ll meet via Skype for a 75-minute session to review your questionnaire, answer your questions and I’ll provide an individualized integrative care plan designed for you and your needs.

You’ll walk away from the consultation with relief at being heard, feel bolstered by having additional support, more confident in your understanding of your cancer and you will be armed with knowledge and resources to address your biggest concerns.

After the consultation, you’ll have the opportunity to enroll in a coaching package if you wish. I’ll only recommend that if it’s a good fit for you and where you are in your journey.

Investment: $250

Work With Me – Coaching Packages

I am mindful that finances can be a huge concern when dealing with cancer. I strive to provide valuable free information through the blog and the resource library.

My products start at less than $20 each. My coaching packages range from a few hundred dollars one time all the way up to thousands of dollars each month, depending on your needs and the level and frequency of services I provide.

Gift cards are also available for purchase to give the gift of courses or coaching.

Comprehensive Consultation

A comprehensive consultation is the first step in working with me.

You’ll complete a detailed health questionnaire and list your most pressing questions and concerns. 

I conduct a comprehensive review of the health questionnaire and gather resources and recommendations prior to our call.

We’ll meet via Skype for a 75-minute session to review your questionnaire, answer your questions and I’ll provide an individualized integrative care plan designed for you and your needs.

You’ll walk away from the consultation with relief at being heard, feel bolstered by having additional support, more confident in your understanding of your cancer and you will be armed with knowledge and resources to address your biggest concerns.

After the consultation, you’ll have the opportunity to enroll in a coaching package if you wish. I’ll only recommend that if it’s a good fit for you and where you are in your journey.

Investment: $250

Let’s Get Started

Want a comprehensive consultation plus ongoing coaching?
Check out the packages below.

Cancer 101: For Newly Diagnosed Patients

Benefits – You Will:
  • Understand your diagnosis
  • Understand your treatment options
  • Feel confident in making a treatment decision
  • Feel supported through the process
  • Gain techniques to cope with stress and anxiety
Consultation + 5 monthly
30-minute sessions
  • Comprehensive review of health questionnaire
  • Easy-to-understand review of both diagnosis and treatment options
  • Research into other treatment options/clinical trials if requested
  • Coaching to help you decide which treatment is best for you
  • Training on how to communicate with your health care team & be your own best advocate
  • Review follow up questions after consults
  • Mindfulness techniques to cope with initial stages of cancer grief, anxiety, stress and pain management

Investment: $700


I Want the Cancer 101 package

Cancer Treatment Coaching Package

Benefits – You Will:
  • Understand your diagnosis
  • Understand your treatment plan and what to expect
  • Feel confident in knowing holistic approaches that can ease side effects
  • Feel supported throughout the treatment process
  • Gain techniques to cope with stress and anxiety
Consultation + 5 monthly
30-minute sessions
  • Comprehensive review of health questionnaire
  • Easy-to-understand review of treatment plan
  • Research into other treatment options/clinical trials if requested
  • Training on how to communicate with your health care team & be your own best advocate
  • Review follow up results and coaching through the process if a change in treatment is recommended
  • Mindfulness techniques to cope with stages of cancer grief, anxiety, stress and pain management

Investment: $700

i want the cancer treatment coaching package

Survivorship Coaching Package

Benefits – You Will:
  • Understand your follow up schedule and what to expect
  • Know how to holistically heal your body after chemo or radiation
  • Feel confident in making decisions about what’s next for you outside of cancer treatment
  • Feel supported throughout the process of transitioning out of being a patient into a survivor
  • Gain techniques to cope with stress and anxiety, particularly surrounding follow up scans and appointments
Consultation + 5 monthly
30 minute sessions
  • Comprehensive review of diagnosis and completed treatments
  • Comprehensive review of onging side effects and recommendations to address them
  • Coaching to help you decide what you want your life to look like now that treatment has ended
  • Training on how to communicate with your caregiver and others now that you are no longer in the role of patient
  • Review follow up results and coaching through the process if additional treatment is recommended
  • Mindfulness techniques to cope with stages of cancer grief, anxiety, stress and onging side effect management

Investment: $700

i want the survivorship coaching package

Caregiver Coaching Package

Benefits – You Will:
  • Understand your loved ones’ diagnosis and treatment plan
  • Feel comfortable in the role of cancer caregiver
  • Know how to advocate for your loved one and communicate with the healthcare team
  • Know how to take care of yourself to avoid burnout
  • Feel supported throughout the caregiving process
  • Gain techniques to cope with stress and anxiety
Consultation + 5 monthly
30 minute sessions
  • Comprehensive review of your loved ones’ diagnosis and treatment plan
  • Coaching to help you understand the roles and responsibilities of a cancer caregiver
  • Resources to help you find the support you and your loved one need
  • Training on how to communicate with your loved one
  • Training on how to communicate with the health care team & being an advocate for your loved one
  • Education on self care techniques
  • Mindfulness techniques to cope with grief, anxiety and stress

Investment: $700

i want the caregiver coaching package


I accept only a select few VIP clients for my full concierge package, which includes:

  • attending doctor visits in person for local clients and via Face Time/WhatsApp/Zoom for those in other areas of the world      OR
    developing a list of questions to ask/topics to follow up on prior to the appointment and reviewing the answers with the client and caregiver after each visit
  • daily email access
  • ongoing phone support (via WhatsApp)
  • creation of a personalized journal/workbook on a specific holistic wellness topic of your choice
  • creation of a personalized recommended items list based on your specific needs and stage of your journey
  • access to any two of my courses or products at no cost
 For those interested in a higher level of and more frequent access to me, please contact me and mention “Concierge Package” in the email.  I will be happy to send you an application.


Want a comprehensive consultation plus ongoing coaching?
Check out the packages below.

Cancer 101: For Newly Diagnosed Patients

Benefits - You Will:
Consultation + 5 monthly
30-minute sessions

Investment: $700


Cancer Treatment Coaching Package

Benefits - You Will:
Consultation + 5 monthly
30-minute sessions

Investment: $700

Survivorship Coaching Package

Benefits - You Will:
Consultation + 5 monthly
30 minute sessions

Investment: $700

Caregiver Coaching Package

Benefits - You Will:
Consultation + 5 monthly
30 minute sessions

Investment: $700


I accept only a select few VIP clients for my full concierge package, which includes:

  • attending doctor visits in person for local clients and via Face Time/WhatsApp/Zoom for those in other areas of the world      OR
    developing a list of questions to ask/topics to follow up on prior to the appointment and reviewing the answers with the client and caregiver after each visit
  • daily email access
  • ongoing phone support (via WhatsApp)
  • creation of a personalized journal/workbook on a specific holistic wellness topic of your choice
  • creation of a personalized recommended items list based on your specific needs and stage of your journey
  • access to any two of my courses or products at no cost
For those interested in a higher level of and more frequent access to me, please contact me and mention “Concierge Package” in the email.  I will be happy to send you an application.