A cancer diagnosis is scary.

Cancer affects every part of your life. So why only treat the body?

Oncologists are wonderful but don’t have the time, knowledge, or expertise to help you navigate the ways cancer and its treatment also affect you mentally, emotionally, financially, spiritually, and socially. That’s where a holistic cancer coach comes in.

I look at the whole picture and help you address your most pressing needs, providing tips, resources, and a community where you are welcomed and supported, no matter where you are in your journey.

Which best describes you?


I'm newly diagnosed

You may still be in shock, trying to understand new medical jargon and feeling overwhelmed with what to do next. I can help by translating scan/biopsy reports and proposed treatment plans from your oncologist and walk alongside you as you determine which path to take.


I've started treatment

You may need help processing thoughts, feelings, and emotions during this stage of your journey, and I can offer journals, workbooks, and coaching sessions to help in this way.  The blog also has posts on how to prevent and treat common side effects.


I'm in remission/have No Evidence of Disease (NED)

Dealing with cancer doesn’t simply stop when treatment ends. Ongoing side effects, regaining health and wellness, and decisions about returning to work are some of the issues faced daily. I can assist with these issues and provide support through coaching, journals and workbooks.


I'm a caregiver/family member/friend

Caregivers also need support to understand the diagnosis and treatment, care for their loved one and prevent their own burnout. Individual and group coaching sessions, and self-study workbooks and journals are available to ensure you’re staying mentally and physically healthy.

My mother-in-law and me. I helped care for her until she died in January 2021 of metastatic anaplastic meningioma.

About Me

I have a Ph.D. in Psychosocial Oncology and have been working and volunteering with people with cancer and their families for over 20 years.

My background in social work and personal experience as a cancer caregiver has given me unique insight into the needs of those navigating life with cancer.

I look forward to helping you through this journey as well.


Latest Blog Posts

A jar of money on a white background with the text Childhood Cancer Funding Facts

Childhood Cancer Funding Facts

September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. I’ve already written a post on childhood cancer facts, but today I want to highlight the appalling lack of funding ...
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Free Gas Cards for Cancer Patients

Getting a cancer diagnosis turns your world upside down. Suddenly, there are loads of tests to be run, decisions to be made, doctor visits, and ...
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