
People with cancer aren’t the only ones that need support.  Caregivers, loved ones and friends also struggle to see someone they care about facing cancer.  You may be confused by all the new medical terms or treatment options. You may wonder what to say or do that can help. You may be struggling to adjust to a caregiver role, and adding those responsibilities to your already full plate. You may be overwhelmed with worry about your present and your future.

I see you. I’ve been there too, and am here to support you.

Here are some sections of the website that may be helpful for you in caring for your loved one and in caring for yourself:

Understanding the different types of cancer doctors

Homeopathic remedies for nausea

Managing mouth sores

What to pack for a hospital stay

Coaching (next sessions open in May 2023)

I offer a caregiver coaching package that is also appropriate for close friends and other loved ones of the patient. I can help you understand what to expect throughout the treatment option that has been chosen and make referrals to products and services that can ease the side effects your loved one might be experiencing.

I also coach you on taking care of yourself and simple ways to do that in small chunks of time. I can also work with you to reduce anxiety surrounding your loved ones diagnosis and treatment.

One of the most beneficial programs will be group coaching for caregivers, so you can connect with others going through a similar experience and build your support system.

(coming in May 2023)

 – Holistic Cancer Toolkit

– Journals

– Workbooks

– Self Care Challenge

– Mindfulness for Caregivers course

Resource Library
contains relevant resources including:

  • Appointment Notes printable
  • Brain Dump and Delegation Tracker printable
  • Caregiving Tracking Form
  • Insurance Company Call Log
  • 10 Ways I’d Like to Help printable