What is a Holistic Cancer Coach?
You may be wondering, ‘What in the world is a holistic cancer coach?’ Even after my years of working with cancer patients and their family members, I had never heard of this coaching specialty. After learning more, I realized this was a perfect way to blend my passions, strengths and experience to support those affected by a cancer diagnosis.
The short answer to this question is a holistic cancer coach is a professional who has the knowledge, education and experience necessary to partner with cancer patients or caregivers to walk with them through their cancer journey. They help people understand and cope with their diagnosis, provide information and support, and also help people find resources.
But I’m sure you’d like a bit more detail than that. So let’s first discuss what holistic cancer care is, then what a cancer coach is, and finally, how the two come together to provide support during your journey.
Holistic Cancer Care
The word ‘holistic’ means “encompassing the whole of a thing, and not just the part“.
In medicine, that means looking at the whole person, not just a specific area of the body. Holistic medicine doesn’t look at someone as just their breast cancer diagnosis, but as a person with a tumor in their breast(s) who has an entire body that needs to be considered and treated as well.
Since a cancer diagnosis affects every part of a person’s life, treatments and interventions should also look at every part of the life.
Research has shown that the mind and body are connected and this connection should not be overlooked. Our bodies respond to how we think, feel and act. Optimal health doesn’t mean only physical health, but also health and balance in other dimensions of your life: mental, emotional, spiritual, social, and financial. For more information about these dimensions along with examples, check out my post on pillars of holistic cancer care.

Integrative oncology is a field that considers and treats the whole person with cancer. These physicians can recommend alternative medicine practices or complementary medicine that can be implemented while also receiving traditional Western cancer treatments. Their focus is to address the whole person – not just the cancer treatment to fight the disease itself, but also prevent or treat any side effects that may result from the cancer treatment, such as insomnia or mouth sores.
An integrative approach that might be recommended could include yoga to boost the immune system, maintain balance and flexibility through gentle, non-strenuous exercise, and promote mental well being, to ward off anxiety or depression. This integrative approach touches on both the physical and mental pillars of holistic cancer care.
There are far more traditional oncologists than there are integrative oncologists, so holistic cancer coaches can help fill this gap by providing education programs and coaching services to people so they can take a whole-person approach to helping clients on their path to wellness.
What is a Cancer Coach?
A cancer coach is a professional that has experience with one or more cancer populations or has completed courses to learn about cancer treatments and how a cancer diagnosis /treatment can affect someone. Cancer coaches may focus on a specific disease type, or stage of disease, or on a specific goal, such as changing unhealthy lifestyle choices or overhauling your diet to improve your health or reduce the risk of recurrence. Others may be a chemo coach, just working with people undergoing chemotherapy, or a cancer life coach, who helps cancer patients find satisfaction in an area of their life, like work or relationships in the midst of their diagnosis.
From those newly diagnosed to those in active treatment, to those with no evidence of disease / cancer survivors, – really, anyone on the cancer continuum – at any point in their cancer journey – cancer coaches can work with patients and family members. Services can be provided 1:1, or in small groups that can be in person, or online.

Holistic Cancer Coaching
Holistic cancer coaching applies the whole person perspective, so it goes a step beyond basic cancer coaching. Holistic cancer coaches work alongside patients (and some, like me, also work with caregivers) to improve the quality of life in each of the pillars of holistic cancer care. Everything from cancer education to suggested resources and methods taught to improve peace of mind considers the whole person.
This does not mean that clients are forced to discuss or address a pillar they’re not interested in at that time. If someone doesn’t want to consider spiritual approaches to well being, then that topic is not forced upon them.
Holistic cancer coaches are trusted resources for cancer patients and survivors and provide support in the areas in which clients want help. We strive to help every client take an active role in their treatment and become a cancer thriver in the midst of their healing journey, however they define it.
Because everyone’s cancer experience is unique, so is holistic cancer coaching. It is personalized to meet the person with cancer right where they are and address the concerns that are most important to them at that time. For example, I’ve helped:
- explain a diagnosis to newly diagnosed patients and help them weigh the pros and cons of each treatment option the oncologist provided.
- find financial resources.
- by teaching how to communicate with their health care team and become an active participant in treatment decisions.
- teach patients and caregivers techniques to regain a sense of control, reduce stress and cope with fear.
- provide countless other support services to people with cancer of all ages and their family members.
Often, holistic coaches will have completed the research-based education needed to support the whole person approach. They learn about integrative options that have been scientifically proven to be effective, and those that need additional research to determine if it’s a good approach to use with cancer patients. They may be a certified holistic cancer coach, or have earned another cancer coaching certificate, but I believe that with enough personal and/or professional experience and targeted education in the field of cancer, a professional certificate is unnecessary.
Whether you work with a cancer coach or a holistic cancer coach, it is important to remember a few important things:
- The guidance provided is not meant to replace health advice from medical doctors. Instead, it is provided for informational purposes. An ethical cancer coach will encourage you to work with your health provider, ask informed questions and become your best advocate.
- Coaches do not provide therapy. See our FAQ page for the differences between coaching and therapy.
- The health coaching industry is not regulated, so you must take the time to ensure your coach has the background, extensive knowledge and skills necessary to help you.
Want to learn more? Check out How Does Cancer Coaching Work?
Ready to start coaching? Visit the Coaching Packages page.
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