In 2017 alone, an estimated 5.8 million people delayed medical care because of a lack of transportation. Many of these instances could have been avoided if free transportation for cancer patients was available.
Transportation remains a major challenge today for people with cancer. In an informal survey of my newsletter subscribers, many said that two of the biggest areas they currently struggle with are money for both groceries and gas to get to treatments and appointments.
Prices are increasing for everything, including gasoline. So I’ve put together a list of free transportation resources for people with cancer. If you need this type of support services, I hope this list is helpful for you.
This list covers everything from ground transportation via bus and ride shares and taxis to flights to get patients to treatment centers far from home so they have access to the specialized care that they need.
In case you haven’t seen them, I’ve also put together lists of freebies for cancer patients and another list of free gifts for kids with cancer. Here’s one with free gas cards for people with cancer. Be sure to check them out.
Local Resources
In addition to the list below, here are some resources in your local area that you can consider for transportation assistance:
- Your own insurance policy – some auto and even homeowners insurance policies have coverage for non-emergency medical transportation. If you’re already paying for this benefit, be sure to take advantage of it
- If you have an FSA account, transportation costs to medical appointments and treatments may be FSA-eligible for reimbursement.
- Your oncology social worker is likely to be an enormous help in finding local resources – they likely know the organizations that provide gas cards or transportation vouchers to get to and from their clinic or hospital.
- The hospital itself may have programs to help with gas and parking fees. Check with your social worker to see if one is available.
- Some clinics even partner with Lyft Pass for Healthcare or Uber Health to pre-pay for these rideshare services for their patients.
- If family members, friends, or coworkers ask how they can help, let them know transportation assistance would be greatly appreciated. They can drive you to or from appointments, or even buy gift cards for Lyft or Uber.
Free Transportation for Cancer Patients
The list below is in alphabetical order, followed by some organizations that provide free transportation for cancer patients in specific cities and regions.
Read the eligibility notes closely. Some services have specific requirements, or require quite a bit of advance notice, or only provide transportation to specific health care facilities.
Air Care Alliance – has an online database of volunteer-based aviation transportation groups that provide free flights for cancer patients needing treatment away from home.
Air Charity Network – coordinates free volunteer pilot flights in the continental United States, Alaska and Hawaii for both children and adults with medical needs.
Alex’s Lemonade Stand Travel for Care Program – provides funds up to $4,000 annually for transportation and lodging for eligible children battling childhood cancer to travel to clinical trials, experimental treatments, etc. not currently available at their local institution.
Applications must be submitted by a social worker or a member of your oncology care team.
American Public Transportation Association – provides links to thousands of transit agencies for towns and counties across the United States.
Check to see if any agencies in your area offer free or reduced cost transportation options.
Angel Flight Central – provides air transportation via volunteer pilots to Midwest residents with a financial need traveling 100-900 nautical miles to access medical care.
Angel Flight East – facilitates transportation in a 14-state area in the Northeastern region of the United States for distances up to 1,000 miles.
As long as the flight need begins or ends within this territory, they can help. Their area of coverage includes Virginia to Ohio to Maine.
Angel Flight South Central – provides free transportation services through volunteer pilots to patients living in and traveling to Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Arkansas, and New Mexico.
Angel Flight Southeast – provides free flights to patients and veterans needing life-saving medical appointments who reside in Florida, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and the Bahamas.
Angel Flight West – this nonprofit organization provides free air transportation within the 12 Western states for those needing to travel great distances for needed medical treatment, including cancer treatment.
Cancer Care – offers limited financial assistance for cancer-related costs including transportation. Their oncology social workers can help you find additional resources as well.
Children’s Flight of Hope – provides flights to specialized medical care for children in need.
Most scenarios include a commercial airline ticket for the child and one adult companion to travel for treatment. Frequency of flights can change based on changes in the child’s treatment schedule.
Community Transportation Association of America – has a national directory of volunteer non-emergency transportation providers in each state.
Corporate Angel Network – offers empty seats on corporate jets to transport cancer patients, bone marrow donors/recipients and stem cell donors/recipients traveling to NCI or CoC recognized cancer centers for treatment, consultation or checkups.
Free Charity Cars – the largest free non-profit car donation/distribution program in the nation. Medically needy and other qualified individuals struggling financially can apply for a free charity car.
Recipients must be able to pay for vehicle insurance coverage.
Good Days – The Travel Assistance program pays for travel costs to ensure patients have access to the care they need. Assistance may include transportation by car or public transit options including Lyft for Healthcare and Uber Health. Flights and car rentals may be available along with lodging assistance for those traveling long distances.
Leukemia and Lymphoma Society – The Patient Aid program can assist those with a blood cancer with the cost of gas and parking for outpatient treatment. Check with your social worker for more information about this program.
Lifeline Pilots – coordinates free air transportation through volunteer pilots for passengers with medical needs far from home in the following 10-state region: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio, Tennessee, and Wisconsin.
Mercy Medical Angels – provides non-emergency medical transportation assistance for ongoing or critical treatment in the form of gas cards, bus or train tickets, and airfare with either volunteer pilots or commercial airline tickets through their Hero Miles Program.
Medicare – if you’re a Medicare member, you may have a plan that covers non-emergency transportation to medical appointments. Check your explanation of benefits to see if you’re covered.
Miracle Flights – provides free commercial flights to those in need of life-changing medical care far from home.
Patient Airlift Services (PALS) – arranges free flights for medical patients requiring medical diagnosis, treatment, or follow up who cannot afford or are unable to fly commercially.
Pink Ribbon Good – provides rides to and from treatment, among other services, for breast and gynecological cancer patients in the following areas: Dayton, OH, Columbus, OH, Cincinnati, OH/Northern KY, St. Louis, MO, The Bay Area, San Francisco, CA and Buffalo, NY.
Road to Recovery – The American Cancer Society’s Road to Recovery program provides free rides to cancer-related medical appointments.
Trained volunteer drivers (some whom are cancer survivors wanting to give back and help reduce the emotional stress and financial burden that they remember so well) pick you up, take you to your appointment, and drop you off at home. Click the link to see if this program is available in your area.
Southwest Airlines Medical Transportation Grant Program – this airline provides round trip tickets to hospitals and medical transportation organizations for patients and families needing to travel for specialized lifesaving or life-changing medical care. Contact your oncology social worker to see if tickets are available.
The Cancer Card Xchange – distributes restaurant, store, movie theater and gas gift cards to cancer patients.
United Way – partners with Lyft for their Ride United Transportation Access program, which helps people in need access essential medical services.
Long Island
Fighting Chance – provides Jitney bus tickets to cancer patients from North and South Forks going into New York City for specialized treatments.
Also provide free local taxi transportation from a patient’s home to East End doctor’s appointments.
All of New York
Lucia’s Angels – provides services to stage 4 breast or gynecological cancers, including gasoline gift cards and cab services to transport patients to treatments.
ChemoCars – arranges for free Uber or Lyft rides to chemotherapy, radiation and non-surgical cancer treatments at verified treatment centers.
Currently only available in Charlotte, North Carolina and in Texas in South Bay, San Pedro, Torrance and Amarillo.
Greater Cincinnati Area
Chris Collinsworth Proscan Fund’s Cruisin’ for a Cure Program – provides transportation to and from appointments for breast cancer patients.
Tenaciously Teal – provides grocery or gas gift cards to cancer fighters in active treatment who are struggling financially.
Applications must be submitted by your social worker or oncology care team.
My Breast Friends – supports small financial requests such as grocery or gas gift cards for women with breast cancer. Applications must come from your social worker or nurse navigator.
South Bay, San Pedro, Torrance and Amarillo
ChemoCars – arranges for free Uber or Lyft rides to chemotherapy, radiation and non-surgical cancer treatments at verified treatment centers.
Currently only available in Charlotte, North Carolina and in Texas in South Bay, San Pedro, Torrance and Amarillo.
Midland, Odessa, Big Springs Areas
Gifts of Hope – assists cancer patients with limited financial resources by assisting with the costs of transportation, among other services.
The last thing someone with a cancer diagnosis should have to worry about is how to get to and from their treatment center for medical appointments, treatments, and follow up visits.
These resources help reduce the financial challenges that come with battling cancer, and make it so patients and their caregivers don’t have to consider skipping or delaying treatment because of transportation difficulties.
Your turn: Do you know of any free transportation for cancer patients resources that I missed? Share in the comments below!