
Hi! I’m Dr. Alyssa Middleton, and I’m so glad you’ve landed on this page. I have volunteered and worked with people with cancer and their family members for over 20 years, beginning in college as a volunteer at a pediatric oncology camp. Since then, this field has become my passion, and I have been honored to work with individuals of all ages and backgrounds as they face cancer.

Let’s start with some fun facts about me, then I’ll get into the ways in which I’m qualified to help you.


  1. I live in Kentucky with my husband, 2 kids, and our dog.
  2. I love to hike and recently crossed off a bucket list item of climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro in Tanzania.
  3. I’ve lived in 7 states and also in Switzerland (and nope, I’m not a military kid, just a former nomad.)
  4. I have a ridiculously large stash of office supplies – more notebooks, pens, dry erase markers, and Post-its that I’ll never be able to use in two lifetimes, but if something speaks to me at the office supply store, I have to get it. I’m a sucker for cute office stuff.
  5. I’m a huge fan of pineapple on pizza, and despite what anyone says, I will forever defend this position!

Now back to my qualifications.

Professional Qualifications

I earned my Master of Social Work (MSW) degree and my Ph.D. in Psychosocial Oncology, which addresses the number of psychological, behavioral, emotional, and social issues that cancer patients and their loved ones face.  My dissertation focused on the role of social work in pediatric oncology.

I was awarded a competitive grant from the American Cancer Society to complete my Ph.D. I have presented my research at conferences, published articles, and co-wrote a textbook chapter for hospice and palliative care social workers.

My background in social work has prepared me well for a coaching career. Extensive training and practice in active listening, communication, and motivational interviewing are critical for a coach. I have even taught courses on social work practice skills and family and group therapy. Though I don’t provide therapy as a coach, I use many of the same skills to put clients at ease and form a connection, help them identify goals, and then work to achieve those goals.

Professional Experience

Oncology positions I have held include:

  • Clinical Research Coordinator for adult oncology clinical trials
  • Associate Executive Director for the American Cancer Society
  • Public Health Researcher, studying breast cancer and leukemia
  • Regulatory Coordinator for pediatric clinical trials, including auditing pediatric oncology trial files
  • Adjunct Professor for a graduate-level course on cancer disparities
  • Social Worker for patients with chronic, life-limiting illnesses, including cancer

Professional Affiliations

I am an active member of the Association of Oncology Social Workers (AOSW), the Association of Pediatric Oncology Social Workers (APOSW), and the Social Work Hospice and Palliative Network (SWHPN).

Personal Experience

In addition to the formal education and training, I have real-world experience as a caregiver to my mother-in-law as she battled anaplastic meningioma, a rare cancer, for years. From accompanying her to oncology appointments to take notes, translating ‘cancer-speak’ to her, helping her advocate for what she wanted, to sitting with her during treatment, advocating for palliative care services, and coordinating hospice services, I’ve been through it, up to the moment when I held her hand as she died.

I know the overwhelm, worry, and exhaustion that come with being a caregiver, especially while juggling my own family and responsibilities. I know the profound grief that comes from losing another loved one within weeks of a cancer diagnosis, and the drawn-out rollercoaster of grief that’s a result of a loved one’s long journey with cancer. Some of the products I’ve created and offer here on the website have stemmed from items that I needed and used while caring for my mother-in-law and grieving my losses.

My Approach

Originally from Oregon, I have a bit of a hippie side and look at life and clients in a holistic way, considering all the areas that can impact our lives. You are more than someone with cancer or a cancer caregiver. Only by considering each of the important areas of your life can I help you get to where you want to be.  I wrote an article on the six pillars of holistic cancer care that might be helpful to further explain my approach.

I encourage an integrative approach to cancer treatment. This means I offer information about complementary/alternative treatments for you to consider that can work alongside traditional treatment. I do not provide medical advice and instead, encourage you to speak with your treatment team about the options that might be a good fit for you. My passion for research means that I thoroughly examine each approach and only report on what has been demonstrated through legitimate studies to be helpful.

One of my superpowers is my ability to take complex information and translate it into easily understood terms and concepts. Knowledge is power and understanding your options means that you can be an active participant in determining your treatment plan, regaining a bit of control in this overwhelming time.

Another superpower is the ability to connect with clients and help them feel supported, educated, encouraged, and empowered. You are not alone in your cancer journey. I am here to help you every step of the way.

As you can see, much of my personal and professional life has centered around cancer. These experiences have prepared me to be an empathetic, effective coach for people with cancer and their caregivers.  I hope you find the information and resources on this site helpful.

Have questions? Connect with me.

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